Adult General Education (AGE)

The Adult General Education (AGE) program in Miami-Dade County is required to follow the performance-based funding guidelines outlined by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE). Performance-based funding is an accountability system with a built-in incentive structure that encourages progress toward certain established goals and performance objectives with periodic measurements of progress.
AGE programs and courses of academic instruction are identified by a course number and summarized for evaluation of learning gains by Literacy Completion Points (LCPs). These LCPs are designated by letters corresponding to specific grade-level equivalencies. Attainment of the prescribed academic or workforce readiness skills qualifies the participant for further basic or career/technical education, and/or employment as denoted by an LCP.
Our Adult Basic Education Program will provide you with the foundation needed to begin your new career. Furthermore, our programs offer GED Test preparation and high school completion courses. Programs are specifically designed to help adults boost their levels of understanding with reading, writing, arithmetic and the basic knowledge required to enter post-secondary education training.